Tiny Dog Hotel Stay and Services Agreement

  1. FIRST.- That TINY DOG HOTEL is dedicated, among other things, to the management of accommodation for pets, as well as their care and custody, and is entrusted with the management of the accommodation.

    SECOND.- Likewise, Tiny Dog Hotel has as its main objective the safety, happiness and well-being of the pets that stay at Tiny Dog Hotel.

    THIRD.- That you are interested in leaving your pet in our facilities for a limited time, accepting the accommodation rules, which you declare to have been aware of and accept in their entirety.

    FOURTH.- By accepting this contract and leaving your pet with Tiny Dog Hotel, you (Owner or Guardian) declare that all the data related to your pet provided to Tiny Dog Hotel orally or in writing is true, so the accommodation does not is responsible for any illness that has not been reported, and Tiny Dog Hotel reserves the right of admission to use at any time during the pet’s accommodation period.


    1. a) When you entrust your pet to TDH, you must know that the following services will be provided:

    – Assist in the control of compliance of the pet’s vaccines with health requirements  of TDH before arrival at the hotel.

    -Strict evaluation of possible health problems before accepting new guests.

    – Provide and maintain clean, high-quality facilities.

    – Provide your pet with healthy food and purified water.

    – Provide guests with regular supervised outings to the garden.

    – Provide a daily supervised leash walk if the puppy’s health allows.

    – Provide the owner/keeper with reports on request about their pets’ stay upon request.

    – Provide dignified and loving treatment to your guests

    b) TDH is only responsible for damages that the pet may suffer in cases of error or avoidable accident, committing to compensate the owner to the maximum with the market value of the pet equal to its breed, and is not responsible for damages suffered. due to force majeure or unavoidability.

    1. c) The Owner/Guardian specifically represents that he/she is the sole owner/guardian of the pet.
    1. d) The Owner/Guardian specifically declares to Tiny Dog Hotel that the Pet under care and custody has not been exposed to any contagious disease within a period of 30 days prior to its arrival at the hotel.

    The Owner/Guardian specifically represents to Tiny Dog Hotel that he has communicated all medical and/or dietary information in writing prior to check-in.

    1. f) The Owner/Guardian agrees to provide Tiny Dog Hotel with the pet’s vaccination card prior to check-in.

    2. g) The Owner / Guardian is informed that his pet will live with other pets, since they are not caged and therefore he is aware and accepts all risks of illness, damage or other illnesses that his pet may suffer during his stay in Tiny Dog Hotel, releasing the accommodation from liability.

    3. h) The owner declares when he deposits his pet in the accommodation, that it is educated and does not show aggressive behavior, so it can interact with other pets without causing damage to the facilities or damage to other animals or people, so in In the event that the pet causes damage to the staff of the facilities, damages them or causes damage to other pets or people, the owner undertakes to compensate with the amount of the invoices that are presented due to the damage or damage. caused, also compensating in the event of having concealed the existence of a

    previously pre-existing physical or mental illness or condition, will compensate with payment of damages and losses caused.

    1. i) The owner has understood and accepts that he cannot deposit in the accommodation any female that is in heat, neither two weeks before nor after the heat period, and is responsible for any possible damages that this situation may cause. If a female comes into heat during the stay, the owner/guardian will be informed of the situation and must remove their pet from the hotel. From that date a fee will be charged

    100% surcharge for special care until removal.

    1. j) Although the TDH facilities are in excellent conditions of hygiene and cleanliness, the owner/guardian is informed that TDH employees are not veterinarians or healthcare personnel of any kind, so they will not be able to accurately diagnose any illness that the pet presents during the time of its accommodation.

    2. k) The owner is aware that vaccines do not protect 100% or against other communicable diseases that can affect a pet.

    3. l) Therefore, if any pet shows any signs of illness or discomfort, TDH will immediately contact the owner and/or the emergency contact person designated by the owner, whose details must be provided to TDH when making the order. booking.

    4. m) If, for reasons beyond the control of TDH, the owner or designated emergency contact person cannot be located, the owner authorizes TDH to provide veterinary assistance as deemed necessary.

    5. n) Tiny Dog Hotel undertakes to take diligent care of your Pet during your stay and, where appropriate, during transportation. If a pet is transported to or from Tiny Dog Hotel by Tiny Dog Hotel staff, the Owner/Guardian releases Tiny Dog Hotel from all liability in the event of injury during transport.

    o)The Owner / Guardian agrees to assume the cost, paying the corresponding invoice when picking up his pet, if during his stay fleas or ticks are discovered on it at any time during the stay of said pet, obliging Tiny Dog Hotel to manage the corresponding treatment to eliminate parasites.

    1. p) TDH informs that the price for the stay amounts to the amount stated in the reservation confirmation plus the services, surcharges and expenses incurred during the stay. Payments can be made in cash, credit card or bank transfer in advance, when picking up the pet at the facility.

    2. q) During the Christmas holidays (from December 20 to January 7), and in the summer season (from June 15 to September 15), a non-refundable reservation advance of 50% of the amount of the reservation must be paid. reservation, before confirming the reservation.

    3. r) The owner is informed that the services provided, the hotel rate and any additional services that have been required, must be paid in full when picking up the Pet.

    4. s) It is also reported that the pet will not leave the facilities until the owner has paid 100% of the bills accrued for the pet’s stay.

    5. t) The owner is informed that in the event that the pet is not picked up on the scheduled departure date, Tiny Dog Hotel will proceed to file a formal abandonment report with the Spanish authorities and will deliver the Pet to the nearest animal shelter. within a period of 10 days from the complaint in accordance with the Animal Protection Law of Andalusia (Andalusian LAW 11/2003, of November 24 and Nationa Law 7/2023, of March 28).

    (It is reported that animal abandonment is considered a serious and/or very serious infraction and carries fines between €2,000 to €50,000 and that after ten days in the animal shelter, the Pet can be offered for adoption).

    1. u) The owner / guardian authorizes TDH to take photos and make videos of his pets during their stay in the facilities and TDH retains the copyright on said photographs, and may send the owner any photo or video of his pet at his request and without restriction of use. Fees may apply based on request.

    2. v) The owner declares to have read all the rules and conditions contained herein, declaring to have understood them in their entirety, and therefore ACCEPTS their application without any objection.


    Any breach of the provisions of this agreement will give rise to its resolution, and TDH may, depending on the severity of the damage and its significance, terminate the relationship, with the pet having to leave the facilities within a maximum period of 24 hours from the timefrom the time the decision was communicated to the owner.

    Clients are informed that this hotel is subject to the provisions of Law 7/2023, of March 28, on the protection of the rights and well-being of animals, therefore, in accordance with articles 10 and 11 of the aforementioned Law, you are informed that your pet’s data will form part of the data record that this establishment must keep at the disposal of the authorities that require it.


    Any dispute or discrepancy regarding the interpretation of this agreement or the breach thereof will be resolved in accordance with Spanish legislation, declaring the Courts and Tribunals of Marbella competent.


    By virtue of law 34/2002 LSSI-CE, this message and its attached files may contain confidential information, so please note that its unauthorized use is prohibited by law, and are also protected by the Spanish Constitution, which guarantees the confidentiality, protection and secrecy of communications. In accordance with the provisions of the new European regulation 679/2016 on data protection or RGPD, we inform you that the personal data contained in this communication is the responsibility of Jose Antonio Canales La Rosa for the purpose of managing the relationship with our clients and contacts. in relation to the exercise of our activity, all under the legitimacy granted by express consent of the interested party, and/or based on the execution of a service contract.

    No data will be transferred to third parties except legal obligations. Regarding your rights, you may access, rectify and delete the data, limit it or even oppose its processing, among other rights.

    Place, Date and Signature: